Issue VI

November 2018

Issue VI Cover_Option 1_smaller.jpg

From the Editor
It was twenty-five years ago. My family had arrived at the US border in New York’s La Guardia. I was 18. My brother—five. Our feet were not cut and dirty. We were not met with tear gas. Read more.


Garden of Grudges
by Gwendolyn Kiste

by Su-Yee Lin


Get Out
by Heidi Seaborn

by Roger W. Hecht

A Flurry of Finches
by Tina Schumann

Dark Star
by David Underdown

What Canvas
by JC Miller

Still Cutting It
by John Lancaster

Rubied Leaves
by Toni La Ree Bennett

Alone in the Wild Dark
by Allen Braden

Landscape with Houses
by Kristen Havens


Issue VI cover image
by Tom Chambers

Selected photography
by Christopher Woods

Selected work
by Colleen Parker

Two Worlds
by Morgan Binkerd

Selected photography
by Rhett Pritchard