Heidi Seaborn


The sky is the color of the sea is the color of my house is the color of
worry is the color of quiet is the color of mourning is the color of smoke
is the color of an envelope is the color of a face after death is the color of
the seagull flapping its wings into the color of winter & winter is the
absence of color of rubbed out or forgotten or muted or buried or
bleached or boiled or erased or stolen away with night or lost through the
hole in a pocket or between the seats of the car or in the chaos of a move
or in the laundry or in translation when we try to say something kind &
what comes out is noise like the color of the sky & the color of the sea &
the color of weather of exposure of erosion coloring me numb coloring
me vague coloring me.


Heidi Seaborn Heidi Seaborn is Executive Editor of The Adroit Journal and author of [PANK] Book Award winner An Insomniac’s Slumber Party with Marilyn Monroe (2021), Give a Girl Chaos (2019) and the 2020 Comstock Review Prize Chapbook, Bite Marks. Recent work is in American Poetry Journal, Beloit, Copper Nickel, The Cortland Review, The Greensboro Review, The Missouri Review, The Slowdown with Tracy K. Smith, Tinderbox, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA in Poetry from NYU. www.heidiseabornpoet.com